
Domain name Registration

Hosting, Registration and transfers of UK domains at cost-effective rates

Web Design

Modern web design using the latest technology with a rapid turn-around

Web Hosting

Web hosting using Cloud based Servers, or using servers in your office

Forum Hosting

Ideal for building online communities and providing customer support

Mail Servers

Your own Private mail server, beyond the scope of large providers and AI


Secure Virtual Private Networks to connect parts or all of your estate.

Domain Name Registration

We recommend UK domain names for UK customers, however we can deal with most conventional TLD’s from .com to .zone , this included initial registration, transfer in and out, and hosting. Domain services are typically offered on a fully-managed basis, although for larger clients or clients who want their own more granular control over their services, we can offer access to a control panel environment with full access to domain name records.

Typically we charge £6 per year for domains, this includes registration, transfers in or out and hosting. Note that some exceptional domains may incur additional work which we would quote for before we begin.

Web Design

Our web design builds on the WordPress platform using professional tools to create high quality websites in a very short time-frame.  We charge a standard £350 fee to build a modern responsive site with content provided electronically by the client.

This service allows the customer to provide initial advice on general style, layout and colours, but more granular control and alternative options would be an addition to the standard package.

The site can be moved at any time by backing it up and restoring it on in an alternative WordPress instance, although the standard licence only covers hosting it on one domain at any given time. WordPress has access to some 66,000 plugins which provide all manner of additional functionality, all of which can be made available on request.

managed services cartoon

Web Hosting

Our standard hosting service supports sufficient space and Internet traffic for an average small company. Specifically this allows for;

  • Around 20Gb of Web storage space
  • Around 200 Website emails per day
  • 1000 Gb per month of Internet traffic

More storage, memory, processing power and Internet bandwidth is available on demand. We also provide monitoring services so you can keep an eye on the up-time and response time for your server. Once a hosted service goes live we expect 100% up-time. (subject to unforeseen outages, which are rare)

Forum Hosting

Forums are a great tool for communicating with and providing support for your clients. In addition, if used, they provide continually changing content which is a huge carrot for search engines and potentially news sites. In addition to functionality, if you host your forums on the same domain as your website, cross pollination of content can provide a huge boost to your online visibility. This Visible support often provides a tangible boost to customer confidence in your ability and willingness to support clients on an ongoing basis.

To set up, configure and brand a forum for your company we charge £25, then to host and administer on an ongoing basis, £20 (optional) per month. (you will need to provide your own moderators to moderate content, provide support etc)

Mail Servers

If you are happy with large corporations holding all your personal and business email, look away now. Otherwise, we can provide an email hosting service where email is stored on your own private server, away from prying eyes. This server will be able to accept mail and send mail for any / all of the domains you hold with us.

To set-up, configure and brand an email server for your company we charge £50, then to host and administer on an ongoing basis, £20 per month. The basic option includes around 20Gb of email storage space and allows for up to 200 external emails per day. There are no limits on the number of users or internal emails. All of these limits can be optionally be increased but carry additional costs.

Virtual Private Networks

VPN’s form the cornerstone of modern online security. If you run a network implemented in software on top of the Internet, it’s virtually impenetrable. A VPN is akin to your own mini dark web to which only your company has access.

We can implement VPN’s on an off-grid basis such that you don’t need your own Cloud based server to which everyone connects (i.e. everyone is behind a firewall), or we can implement it using or more cloud based servers in a mesh configuration.

To set-up, configure VPN service, we charge a £25 setup and £15 (optional) per month to administer. Administration covers the issuing and revocation of keys, but it does not include support for including software on client machines. This service is available on request.

Available for freelance projects

Do you have a digital project?
Let's talk.

We can provide bespoke web based solutions written to your specification. Whether it’s a marketing tool, front-end for a pre-existing service, or whether you would like to realise a new green-field product.