
An Open Source Web Development Framework for Vue.js and Python

Orbit has been designed from the ground up with a view to implementing data-driven real-time Single Page web applications. Whether you’re looking for a control panel for an existing application, a simple, new simple online application providing an interactive experience, or a real-time stock trading system, Orbit handles the mundane and lets you focus on business logic.

Rapid Development

Generate a .deb installation package from scratch within a matter of minutes.

Deploy Anywhere

Install in the cloud, on your own server, on a desktop or in a Virtual Machine.

High Security

Very high level of security by default, public new keys pairs for each connection.

Websockets Everywhere

Communication is always responsive, two-way and real-time.

Minimal Transfers

Screen updates are deltas minimising the data transfers to the client.

Data Driven

Screen updates are transparently driven by database updates.

Orbit Architecture

Orbit’s modular architecture insulates the developer from the mechanics of deploying a web based client/server application.

“This looks vaguely interesting, where can I find out more?”

Well, there is some online documentation, however you might find the fast-track way to get started it to have a chat with a Developer here. Feel free click on one of the links below which should point you in the right direction. The fastest way to get going is to talk to us about prototyping, given a spec we can present a working model very quickly. Typically all of the components will be MIT or GPL2 licensed so in terms of how you take it forward as a project is pretty much up to you. (i.e. you’re not stuck with licencing tie-in’s, royalty deals etc. All components are sourced via GitLab or GitHub and installable via PyPi and NPM repositories.

How does it look?

So what do Orbit Applications look like? Well, you essentially have full control over the UI/UX and you’re not tied to any one UI toolkit. So to to answer the question literally, “however you wish”.  That said, here are a few screen grabs from the ZeroDocs application, just to supply a point of reference. Note that the ZeroDocs application is just a blank Orbit Framework application with one module (the ZeroDocs module) added. Standard modules can be added to any Orbit application.

Take a look at the Orbit Communicator page for an example of a somewhat more extensive application.