
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is often an afterthought when it comes to new websites. In reality, it doesn’t matter how good your website is, if nobody is aware of it’s existence then nobody will see it. You can drive traffic to the site with commercial ads, however this tends to be quite expensive and somewhat time limited operation. Traffic from people who are actually searching for topics covered on your website tend to be far more valuable.

Appearing in Google search results, maybe on the first page or two, is generally going to be your Web Site’s path to success

What we do

As a part of our managed services offering, if you have both a Web Design service and Hosting service then we will set-up with the basics needed to monitor and grow your search engine positioning.

Google Search Console

We will register your site with the Google Search Console and submit relevant site map(s) for your website. This explicitly informs Google’s search engine crawlers about your site, how it should be treated, which pages are available and how quickly and frequently it can be crawled.

This will give you access to statistical information which will show how well your site is performing from a search perspective. (for example the chart shown at the top of the page)

Google Analytics

At your request, we will add Google Analytics to your site which will record how often your site is hit and which pages within your site are hit. This will give some indication as to how successful your site is with regards to people actually using it.

This information is made available within the control panel on your website and can be viewed at any time. Statistics relating to searches are available on the same panel and provide period-on-period comparisons so you can visualise your site’s rate of growth.

Although the content of the site will be supplied by you we will attempt to add basic optimisations to try to make it more attractive to search engines with a view to improving the site’s positioning in search results listings.

Ongoing Updates

One of the ways you can improve your site’s results is to continually post new and relevant content to the site. Google will take into account how frequently your site changes and how much new relevant information is added when it works out rankings and search results.

The site will allow you to add new content in the form of news articles, blog posts, or even static pages, however this does require some effort on your part.

Alternatively we provide some additional services whereby we can post additional content for you. This will typically take the form of the you supplying us with an article which we can tune and post for you. Alternatively we can produce entire articles if supplied with a topic or reference material.

Quotes for this service are available on request..

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